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About Flappers263

  • Birthday June 8

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  1. Happy days! Finally after all the hassles and challenges, I logged into my immi account late last night (for what felt like the hundredth time yesterday alone) and at 7pm it had moved straight to finalised (nothing further requested so the new police certs that are on their way (ours expired from UK and AUS last month) are a waste of time and money!!), our 186 has been granted! Awaiting the official email from our MA but having logged in again this morning there are now grant letters on the account also! NSW PESE. Good luck to each and every one of you still waiting, I have total empathy with the ones who have waited longer and wish you a speedy resolution, to the ones coming to 'the party' recently and flying through the timings - congratulations also, you don't know how 'lucky' you are to have missed out on months / years of uncertainty and concern . Never give up, stay strong and hopefully sooner rather than later you'll all have your grants also. Thanks to those who give up their time to assist on this forum - your patience is a virtue and you all help quell nerves and manage expectations - thank you so much for the sage advice you continue to offer the larger community - its invaluable. Can someone update me on the spreadsheet please - July 2018, "BFC" - many thanks. Im not sure if we received the famous email on 4th April as we had just landed in the UK but it maybe no coincidence that the MA advised us to get our medicals done ASAP on that date...? I can only assume we (or maybe other clients of theirs) received the email??!? The best advice was to put a bottle of champagne 'on ice' - I put one in the fridge at the weekend with wishful thinking and its getting drunk tonight! Thanks all!
  2. No, the fact you are on a student visa will have no bearing on when they review your new application. They will review it when they get to it - when that might be is the million dollar question, recently some 'new' applications have bene done and dusted in weeks whilst there are some still waiting almost two years (or more!)... welcome to the waiting game and good luck!
  3. wow, I'm hoping that. after my medicals next week I'll get the same news - I'm doing the same as you - 457 - 186 TRT Advertising Specialist from the UK.
  4. Wow! Congratulations - thats amazingly fast!! Can I ask how large your Company is and have they successfully sponsored many applicants perviously?
  5. I get that, in fairness I suppose I was asking more for recommendations on where to get best value on travel insurance and could've phrased it better....
  6. Hi all, just wondering if travel insurance is necessary for a 3 week trip back to the UK? We (family of 4) have been in Sydney 4 years now (currently in process of applying for PR in case it makes a difference), heading back in a. couple of weeks for 3 weeks - do we require travel insurance and either way where is the best place to purchase it from here in Australia? Thanks in advance
  7. can you advise who you wrote to / contacted as I need to do the same, when I look online they are saying I need to pay over £730 per year "missing" in my record. Thanks!
  8. does anyone have the link to where I can check my NI contributions and see if I have to make up any years please?
  9. my MA advised us not to do the medicals at the time of application due to the length of time it was taking to assess at that stage (July 2018), we are going to do them next month (February), we however did complete the Form 80's and also got our UK and AFP police checks in place and submitted all other paperwork to be as 'decision ready' as we possibly could...
  10. then your visa won't be granted, the nominating Company is no longer your employer, therefore your individual visa application is no longer a valid application.... or have I missed something?
  11. I imagine you have to inform them if your marital status changed though - this would have an impact on your application? Will they be included on your application or not for example?
  12. <p><p>Thanks so much Brian and yes that will be useful .........kind regards Nick aka tonyman</p></p>

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